Happiness By The Mile - Shelby

Hey guys, and welcome to my website!

I’ve been working on this project for a little over two years now, while working full time as an over the road truck driver. 

It has been extremely rough finding time to work on this, but now that I finally have a good basis I hope to continue providing content to help other drivers! 

The sole purpose of this site is to provide a place where rookie, and veteran truckers alike, can find information, help, and inspiration.

Not too long ago I completed my journey of obtaining my CDL. I scoured the internet for information, and was disappointed with the quality, and quantity of content available for the industry.

Having a passion for education, and teaching, I launched this website. 

I aim to provide an all in one place to find anything, and everything you would want or need to know to become a professional driver, and live on the road. I also wanted to provide all the content I wish I had before I started, and the help I wish I had along the way.

I am by no means an expert in any field, and I believe no one is ever truly done learning.

I do extensive research, and double check my sources to be sure that I provide you with the best, and most up to date information possible. I also provide personal accounts of experiences, and mistakes I’ve learned from so that others may not fall victim to the same.

I also have hopes that the community will come together and help fill in the blanks where I cannot. Like I said, I do not know it all, and there is a vast amount of knowledge I have yet to gain. So please feel free to pitch in on any of the articles!

I have always enjoyed education and helping others.  If this site helps you, you have suggestions, or experiences you’d like to share, feel free to reach out to me by email. 

Contact info is listed on the sidebar.  

I wish you nothing but happiness in your pursuits, whatever they may be!

Roll on,

Truck reflection in wheel
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