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happiness by the mile's,
humble beginnings

When I started my trucking career, I was shocked by how unprepared I was for the industry’s real challenges. The trucking world operates very differently from what is taught in school. It was a sink-or-swim situation where I had to navigate the complexities with minimal help or resources.

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During those early days, I relied heavily on the support and advice of fellow truck drivers. Their guidance was invaluable as I learned the profession’s intricacies. However, I empathized with many drivers who, like me, had to learn through trial and error. I wanted to make a difference, even for a few drivers.

So, I began documenting my experiences and insights. In the back of my truck, I listed all the questions, concerns, and skills I wished I had resources for. It became my mission to develop those resources and help others in the industry. In 2018, I started my website, laying the foundation for what would become Happiness By The Mile.

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Over the years, I expanded the website, adding articles and resources whenever I could. Each piece of content was a nugget of knowledge from my journey on the road. It was my way of paying it forward, ensuring future drivers had access to the information and support I longed for during my early days.

Today, Happiness By The Mile is more than just a trucker self-help blog. We now have a community of truckers, travelers, and friends at home. We learn from each other, sharing insights, challenges, and triumphs. Together, we make the most of our time on the road, creating lasting memories.

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our posse

WANTED: Dakota the Stick Thief

Alias: Dakota

Born: November 6th, 2013

Dakota may look young, but she has wisdom beyond her years. Known for her love of hiking with her mom, Dakota finds the most interesting places to sniff and explore. Rain or shine, she may be found enjoying morning walks at local parks and trails.

Her mom’s job allows them to spend a lot of time outdoors together. Dakota is grateful for this and believes her mom did it all to be the best dog mom in the world.
In addition to hiking, Dakota is a stick enthusiast and thief. She finds great satisfaction in carrying and chewing on the perfect stick.

Note: Dakota is an experienced treat swindler. If found do not feed treats.

WANTED: Shelby Briscoe the Runaway

Alias: Shelby Briscoe

Born: October 9th, 1993

Shelby, small in stature but big in spirit, grew up amid the sandy beaches and mild winters of Southwest Florida. Eager to explore beyond the confines of her tropical homeland, she discovered a love for semi-trucks that grew over time. This passion was further nurtured during long trips with her great-uncle, where she learned CB lingo and admired the lit-up big rigs on the road.

Her fascination with trucking was cemented during her college years. Feeling trapped by the prospect of a conventional career, she decided to take a gap year to drive a truck. This bold move led her to trucking school and ultimately to a life on the open road. Shelby hasn’t looked back since, embracing the adventures and challenges of life on the road.

Note: Tales of Shelby are akin to those of Phantom 309. All you might ever see is the faint glow of tail lights in the distance.